Can instructors permanently delete a paper stored in the Turnitin repository?

There are two ways to have a paper permanently deleted from the Turnitin repository, depending on how you access the Turnitin services. Please review the section relevant to you:

Users accessing via,, or LTI integrations:

Paper deletion requests are entirely self-managed within your institution using the automated paper deletion workflow available. This streamlined process allows you to raise a paper deletion request directly with your Turnitin account administrator so that they can process it without having to raise a support ticket. Instructor guidance about this is available in our Help Guides.

Users accessing via Moodle Direct V2, Moodle Plagiarism Plugin, Canvas Plagiarism Framework, or deprecated integrations such as Blackboard Basic and Blackboard Direct:

At this time, we only support self-serve deletion requests for assignments created using,, or LTI. Therefore, for contractual reasons, all requests to delete papers from the Turnitin repository must be submitted in writing by the institutional Turnitin account administrator. Please have your Turnitin account administrator contact Turnitin Technical Support regarding this matter, as requests raised by instructors cannot be fulfilled. The Turnitin account administrator will need to provide Turnitin Technical Support with the relevant Submission ID number. The Submission ID of the paper (or papers) to be deleted can be found in the assignment inbox or in the Turnitin Feedback Studio document viewer, as shown here.  

Note: It is possible to create assignments that do not save submitted papers to the Turnitin repository. The no repository option is a selection choice you have when creating new assignments.

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