If you encounter the error message Loading Error this paper is not available M14:11 when trying to view a paper, this may indicate that one of the following has occurred:
The paper could not be fully processed. This is the most common scenario, a paper can fail to process correctly if it contains unsupported formatting or complex content such as dense vector images which take too long to process. To work around this issue, please replace any vector images in the paper with raster images, as this will reduce the processing time required. If the error persists or is not caused by vector images, re-saving the file as another supported file type and resubmitting usually resolves the issue. For example, re-saving a PowerPoint file or MS Word DOCX file as a PDF file and resubmitting it. Please note that if the due date of the assignment has passed or students are not allowed to resubmit, instructors can do so on their behalf, or they can delete the submission from the assignment inbox to allow a new submission from the student.
The paper is no longer accessible. In this case, please raise a support ticket so that we can try and restore the deleted paper for you. Please note that although we make every effort to keep papers accessible in perpetuity, in some rare scenarios, papers may become permanently inaccessible.
The submission has an exclamation mark against it in the Turnitin assignment inbox. In this case, instructors should click on the exclamation mark to force the paper to be reprocessed. This usually resolves the issue, but should it not, please raise a support ticket so we can investigate further.