Is it possible to apply decimals to the overall grade in Feedback Studio when using rubric scorecards?

It is possible to create rubrics with decimal points that instructors can use when grading submissions through a rubric scorecard. However, while a decimal grade can be used within the rubric scorecard, it will be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number when applied to the paper.

Although decimals are available in the rubric scale, it's not possible to apply them to the overall grade, as Turnitin only supports whole numbers in the overall grade section.

Students will still be able to see the exact decimal score applied by the instructor through the rubric scorecard attached to their paper in Feedback Studio.

To do this, students may:

  • Launch the paper in Feedback Studio
  • Navigate to the Instructor feedback section on the right-hand side panel
  • Click on View Rubric
  • This will open the Rubric Scorecard for the paper in a separate window, which will display the original decimal score.

Note: The rounding up of rubric values in the overall grade section in Feedback Studio is intended behavior and also applies when using Grading forms.

If you are using Turnitin through your institution's Learning Management System (LMS) and you wish to record the overall decimal score and not the rounded score, you will need to apply the grades manually in the LMS grading area to overwrite the score passed from Turnitin.

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