My rubric scoring and feedback has disappeared, can I get it back?

If rubric scoring and feedback have disappeared for papers within an assignment, but the overall grade has remained, it is likely the rubric used to grade has been detached from the assignment or has been replaced with another. In these scenarios, rubric scoring and feedback cannot be recovered by anyone and are permanently lost.

To ensure instructors are aware of the consequences of detaching a rubric or replacing a rubric with another, a warning message is displayed:

Changing or detaching a rubric will remove all existing rubric scoring from papers in the assignment, including scorecards which have previously been marked. Overall grades for previously graded papers will remain.

Rubrics will not be detached automatically, an instructor must click to confirm they are happy to continue after the above warning has been displayed.

For instructors using Turnitin within a Learning Management System (LMS), an error may be presented to the instructor when accessing a submission where a rubric has been detached. The error message will vary depending on who is trying to access:

  • No rubric or grading form is attached to this assignment will appear for the instructor who owns the detached rubric.

  • Your session has expired. Rubric not available 43:43 or Error Loading Rubric not Available 43:43' message will appear to other instructors enrolled in the class who don't own the rubric or don't have the rubric shared with them.

Re-attaching the rubric back to the assignment will not bring back any grading that may have been applied before the rubric was detached. Only the overall grade applied to the submissions will be saved.

All of the above also applies to Grading Forms

Note: The Turnitin Technical Support team is unable to recover lost grading and feedback.

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