How do I manage student licenses when I am at or exceeding the student account limit?

Your institution's Turnitin license is valid up to a certain number of students. Once the student limit has been reached, no new students will be allowed to join your school's account (preventing them from submitting papers).

When the limit is reached unexpectedly, there are two main reasons why this may have occurred:

  1. Turnitin classes no longer used are not regularly expired, meaning that inactive students remain enrolled in an active class, unnecessarily using student licenses.*
  2. Students logging into Turnitin directly through the Turnitin website ( have created multiple Turnitin accounts to enroll in the same class. Usually, as a consequence of forgetting their Turnitin account password, where resetting their password was the necessary step required.**

Find the answers to these issues and further information on managing your institution's student limit, unexpectedly reaching the student limit, and reducing the active student number in our Help Guides.

If you are at or exceeding your student limit and need to discuss purchasing additional licences due to an increase in students needing to use Turnitin, please reach out to your Turnitin account manager/sales representative directly.

*If you need assistance locating active Turnitin classes for your account, please raise a ticket request to our Technical Support team, confirming you require a spreadsheet of all active classes created on or before a specific date. Instructors need to expire any classes that are no longer being used, to ensure that previous students do not occupy student licences. If a student is enrolled in an active class, they will occupy a student licence.

**To prevent students from creating multiple Turnitin accounts, we recommend that instructors enroll students directly into the class so that students don’t have access to the class information, such as the class enrollment key. If students have to enroll themselves in a class, we recommend that the instructor change the enrollment key once all students have successfully enrolled, to prevent further unnecessary enrollments.

Note: Please always allow 48 hours for any changes in enrollment to be reflected in the student limit count.

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