Where can I find the class ID and class enrollment key?

The class ID is a unique number automatically generated upon creating a class. You can find this on your instructor homepage under the class ID column, next to the class name.

The enrollment key is a case-sensitive word of your choice (it can be numerical, alphabetical, or alphanumerical) that you will be prompted to enter when creating a class. Once the class has been created, you can view and change your class enrollment key at any time by navigating to the class settings page (cog icon). 

The numeric class ID and its corresponding class enrollment key can be distributed to students who need to self-enroll into a Turnitin class.

Important: Please do not post the class ID and/or enrollment key on a publicly accessible website; this is to ensure only your students enroll in your class. Changing the enrollment key once all students are enrolled in the class will prevent further unwanted enrollments. 

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