How can I delete my submission from Turnitin?

If you require permanent deletion of your paper from the Turnitin repository, for contractual reasons, all paper deletion requests must be submitted to the Turnitin account administrator of your institution.

Please contact your instructor and provide them with the submission ID of your paper along with the class and assignment details of where the submission was uploaded. Your instructor will then need to raise the request for permanent paper deletion with the Turnitin account administrator.

The submission ID can be found when viewing the submission in Feedback Studio and clicking on the information icon (‘i’).

Note: If you simply wish to resubmit a revised version of your paper to an assignment, your instructor may enable this option for you. There is no need to delete a paper from the database in this situation, as resubmitting a paper to the same assignment will overwrite your previous submission. Please contact your instructor regarding resubmissions.

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