How do late submissions work?

Late submissions are only available to students whose instructors have enabled this option in the assignment settings. 

The Late submission option is designed to help students make their first submission if they were unable to do so before the assignment is due - this option is at the instructor's discretion.

When enabled, students will be able to submit papers after the due date and time have passed, as long as they have not already submitted a paper to the assignment.

It is important to note that late resubmissions are never allowed, even if the assignment is set to allow resubmissions and to accept late submissions. When allowed, resubmissions can be made up until the due date and time, but not after.

A submission will be marked as Late if the submission is completed after the assignment's due date and time have passed. For instance, if a submission attempt is initiated 1 minute before the due time but is completed 1 minute after it (taking into consideration the time spent to complete the two-step submission process), it will be marked as late. Therefore, it is recommended that students allow plenty of time before the assignment's due date and time to submit their papers within the deadline.

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