How can I find the class ID and class enrollment key to enroll in a class?

Students self-enrolling in a Turnitin class need to be provided with the numeric class ID and the corresponding case-sensitive class enrollment key by their instructor.

If you are trying to self-enroll in a Turnitin class and encounter an error suggesting that the credentials used are incorrect, you should reach out to your instructor and double check with them that the Class ID and enrollment key provided to you are the right ones for the class in question. Please also ensure that there are no extra blank spaces before or after the Class ID and/or the enrollment key, and bear in mind that the enrollment key is case-sensitive.

Once you have been provided with the correct class credentials, please follow the steps on using an enrollment key in our Help guide: Setting up a new account.

If you still are unable to enroll after ensuring that you are using the correct credentials for the class, please ask your instructor to add you to the class on their side. 

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