How do I reset my password to access Turnitin Feedback Studio?

If you access your Turnitin Feedback Studio account via the Turnitin website ( or if you are in the UK) and have forgotten your password to log in, please follow the steps outlined in our Help Guide on resetting your password.

You will need to enter the email address registered to your Turnitin account to complete the password reset process. If you do not know your registered email address, please ask your instructor to look up your details.

Please check your spam or junk folder for any password reset emails, as they are sometimes filtered as spam. You may wish to add to your list of email contacts to further ensure that our emails are not filtered out of your inbox, as this does sometimes occur. If you use a school-supplied email address, your institution's network administrator may need to be contacted to white-list

Please note that your new password must have:

  • a minimum of 12 characters
  • at least one number (0-9)
  • upper and lower case letters (a-z, A-Z)
  • at least one special character (~!@#$%^&*( )-_+=[ ]{ }\:;'"< >,.?/).

Please ensure that your new password is significantly different from your previous passwords and that you are using a unique password for each website. It is also recommended not to include common words or phrases such as the name of a person, character, product, or organization to ensure your password is as secure as possible.

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