Turnitin Technical Support can't restore a Turnitin assignment within a Learning Management System (LMS) once the assignment link has been deleted.
Turnitin Technical Support may be able to help you retrieve all submissions made to a deleted assignment by transferring them to a new assignment created in the same course within the LMS*.
Please follow the steps below before raising a support ticket with Turnitin Technical Support:
Create a new assignment in the same course with the exact same settings as the original assignment.
Make a dummy submission to this newly created assignment.
Include the dummy submission ID number on your support ticket.
It is crucial to note that if a rubric was linked to the deleted assignment link and used to grade the submissions, the same rubric needs to be attached to the new assignment by the rubric owner. If not, the rubric grading information will be lost.
In terms of timescales to restore content from a deleted LMS assignment, if an assignment inbox is deleted from an LMS, this does not delete the corresponding assignment inbox on the Turnitin end. Only an administrator can specifically request for content to be deleted from Turnitin. Therefore, if content is deleted from an LMS, it will still be available in Turnitin, so that when a user creates a new assignment in the LMS, Turnitin Technical Support can simply transfer the Turnitin content to the new assignment, resulting in a complete restoration. Therefore, as long as the content is still available in Turnitin, there is no timescale to restore an LMS deleted assignment inbox.
Note: The new assignment may not have the same start and due dates as the original assignment and, therefore, submissions that were marked as late may not be marked late in the new assignment.
Moodle users:
It is not possible to transfer papers between Moodle assignments with the Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin enabled, as this results in inconsistencies between Turnitin and your Moodle environment.
As a workaround, please create a new assignment for your students to submit to. Alternatively, you can create a Moodle Direct V2 assignment and manually upload the papers on behalf of the students. Guidance on how to create a Moodle Direct V2 assignment can be found here.
Note: Using this option will trigger self-matches because the originally submitted papers are still found in the original assignment, which can be viewed by logging into your Turnitin account via the Turnitin website.
LTI integrations users (LTI 1.1 and 1.3):
When using an LTI integration, although we can transfer the assignment papers to a new assignment, any grades applied will not transfer to your LMS grade area. This is because it is not technically possible to transfer grades when integrating with Turnitin using an LTI integration. Grades will need to be manually entered into your LMS grade area. If you are happy for us to transfer the papers to a new assignment in light of this, please provide us with the information we have requested within the article above.
Note: If an assignment inbox is deleted from an LMS integrating with Turnitin using an LTI integration, this does not delete the corresponding assignment inbox on the Turnitin end. Instructors can view deleted assignments and their content before transferring the assignment content to a new assignment. This ensures that the grades in the grade area are not touched.