If you wish to add another account administrator to your Turnitin account, you can do so by following our guidance on adding users.
Please note, you can only add additional administrators if you have completed the set-up of your own Turnitin administrator account per your welcome email.
To ensure they have administrator permissions, within the Role section, check the box for Account Administration and provide them with the Product Admin role.
If you wish to change the role of an existing user to provide them with an administrator role, you can do so by editing their user details instead.
Note: If you no longer wish to be an account administrator, you will first need to add the new administrator by following the steps above. The new administrator can then deactivate or delete your user account if needed, or remove the administrator permissions from your user account. All information about editing users' roles, and deactivating or deleting users can be found in our Help Guides for Managing users.