How can I enroll instructors in Moodle to sync them with Turnitin when using Moodle Direct V2?

Additional instructors can be added to a Turnitin class via the Moodle course by either an enrolled instructor or a Moodle administrator accessing the Turnitin Tutors tab, which is also located in the submission inbox. Within this tab, instructor details can be viewed by clicking on the instructors' names, and instructors can be removed from the course by clicking on the trash can icon next to their name. Moodle administrators who have access to the Turnitin account administrator profile may access the Turnitin website to drop an instructor from the Turnitin account by accessing the instructor list and using the trash icon.

A Moodle user will be classed as an instructor on the Turnitin side if their role has the following capabilities:

  • Add Turnitin tool Activity
  • Read Turnitin tool Assignments
  • View Turnitin tool Assignments
  • Grade Turnitin Tool Assignments

The Submit to Turnitin tool Assignments feature is optional.

The Moodle administrator can identify the permissions that a particular user has as follows:

  • Navigate to: Site Administration > Users > Permissions > Check system permissions
  • Select the user
  • Select Show this user's permissions
  • View permissions under Activity: Turnitin Assignment 2

Note: Instructors are not automatically enrolled in the corresponding Turnitin class until they interact with the Moodle course in some way.

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