How can I stay up-to-date with Moodle plugins?

To stay up-to-date with the latest Moodle versions and plugins, there are several places that you can check and refer to:

Option 1. Navigate to Site Administration > Plugins > Plugins Overview:

    1. Click on Check for available updates
    2. Next to the available plugins under the Notes column, a notification icon will appear stating that a newer version is available, including the relevant download links.
      Note: The same can also be found under Site Administration > Notifications.  

Option 2. Subscribe to the Turnitin's Integrations release notes. The release notes will always be updated when newer versions become available.

Option 3. Check the Turnitin's Integrations download page. This page gets updated with new download links as soon as newer versions become available.

Please note that technical support will only be provided for supported Moodle plugin versions, so please be sure to update your Moodle version at the earliest opportunity to enable us to continue to support your Turnitin integration.

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